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Inner Game

Face It, You’re Weak (and That’s OK)

weightsFrom Trevor Mauch

When I was a kid I can vividly remember my little league days.

I’ve always been shorter than most everyone else on the team... but one of the faster players on the field... and I worked harder than everyone else (mainly because I had to keep up, because everyone was bigger and stronger). 

My baseball coach at the time, Mike, was working with me one day at practice.  I was a good hitter for average... a good fielder... but didn’t have much of any power at all.

I could poke a base hit through the infield or lay down a bunt and bust ass down the base path to beat out the throw... but ask me to hit a ball that actually landed in the air in the outfield grass... and that was like climbing Everest for me at the time.

So at practice Mike saw potential in me and really wanted to work on my weaknesses to “make me an even better player”.  So practice after practice we worked on my “power…

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