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Inner Game

One of the Darkest Times in My Life For Sure

Dark timerHey Moguls, Patrick Riddle here…

Have you ever felt sucker punched by life?

I mean, things seem to be going just fine, all hunky-dory, when suddenly out of nowhere -- WHAM! Something happens that just waylays you.

Man, I sure have. Many times actually.

But we all have, right? Life has its ups and downs... and it's way ups, and it's waaaaay downs. We all get served our fair share of "good," "bad," and "ugly"...

But here's a twist (and I'm just being completely honest here): I actually feel deeply GRATEFUL for ALL of these "bad" and "ugly" experiences in my life.

Little weird, huh? 

I know, but give me a chance here...

Let me explain…

Reality for most people is that they only ever feel grateful for the "good" things that happen in life. But that's easy, right? These are the WINS.

Well here's the thing: It's actually the "bad" stuff, those sucker punches out of nowhere, that actually…

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