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2156 Bernardo De Galvez Ave

Galveston, Texas 77551

Get ready to double your income with the great property. Four 1-1 units rented at $450 each and a front duplex with Two 2-2 units ready to be finished to double your cashflow. Rent comps an easy $900 each. Owner doesn't have the money to finish the duplex so this is your chance to get in on a great deal. Great long-term tenants will pay for the rehab on the duplex. 3786 sq. ft. per cad. Asking Price: $199,000.00 Repairs: $12k Comps on request. There are very few properties like this sold recently and others are on the market for ~ $74/sq.ft. Call or text 832-472-6902 for more info. Just let know Jacob Colson sent you on this deal

Property Info

Beds 8
Baths 8
Sqft (Living) 3789 sq ft.
Sqft (Lot) 9016 sq ft.
Year Built 1965
Deal Type Wholesale
Property Type Multi-Family
ARV $275,000
Building Block Construction
