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Business Development

4 Ways to Take Joint Title & Why You Want To

We teach kids the importance of sharing, right?

Well, if we’re honest, sharing can be challenging and complicated, even for adults. For example, how do two people share the title for a house?

Hey Moguls, Cody Sperber here, and in a recent post, I discussed the difference between a title and a deed. Now I’m going to build upon that by talking about 4 ways you can obtain title (purchase real property and its rights) with a partner or a spouse and the benefits of doing so.

A Little Background

When buying a home with somebody else, you’re going to have to decide how to take title. But before we talk about the 4 ways to do this, I want to mention the ramifications that will go with your choice.

The type of title you pick will have impact on:

  1. Division (if any) of ownership

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