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Bandit Sign Marketing

We’ve all had that experience where we’re stuck at a stoplight — it’s always that one stoplight that takes FOREVER to turn green… and you glance over — ignoring the person in the car next to you picking their nose (GROSS!), and quickly look elsewhere to see a BANDIT SIGN… usually it’s bright yellow with bold black letters screaming: “We buy houses!”

Hey Moguls, Preston Ely here, and as an investor like myself, you’re probably pretty familiar with bandit signs. They certainly have the POWER to incite curiosity at the least — or strong interest at the most — from people who see them.

You might be thinking, “Seriously, bandit signs”?

Oh yes, friend! They’re effective and cheap…

So, in this training video, Cody Sperber discusses how to STRATEGICALLY CREATE AND PLACE bandit signs. And, in true Cody style, the video features his Academy Award-winning acting team — okay, well, maybe that’s an exaggeration… but there’s definitely some James-Bond-slash-Mission-Impossible action going on.

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