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Building a Better Future: Housing Reform for Investors

Want our step-by-step process on how to partner with the biggest cash-buyers of single family houses the world has ever seen? Learn more here →

(NOTE: Want to learn how to flip houses to hedge funds? Click here for our “Partnering With Hedge Funds” special report.)

constructionHearings and informal roundtables on reforming the U.S. housing market have started in Washington, but it’ still too early to tell whether substantial reform will take place.

Our organization, the Distressed Property Coalition (DPC), is preparing a submission to Congress as well as a series of meetings in May and June in order to discuss reform efforts that will most benefit residential investors.

Prior to our involvement, the residential investing industry absorbed a number of hits from government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) – Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, specifically – that made it harder to buy and sell houses. As we begin to work on a housing reform briefing for Congress, we view much of this process with a heightened sensitivity to the damage that non-elected individuals can impose on our industry.

Furthermore, we are equally concerned with the power that non-elected individuals can sway over housing policy matters in general.

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