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Inner Game

Can You Conquer Your Fear?

no fearHey Moguls! It’s Mindset Monday again, and coming at you today is a simple but power-packed message from your own REI drill sergeant, Franklin Cruz. My topic for today’s lesson? How to kick the butt of the one thing holding you back in your real estate journey: fear.

We all have it, and as an Army veteran and an uber-experienced real estate investor, I will say that I know a thing or two about how to show fear to the door so you can live the life of your dreams.

Conquering your fear… of anything!

Let’s talk fear…

How’s about jumping out of an airplane?

With a parachute, that is. So, yeah, I went skydiving — bailing out of a perfectly good airplane at 14,000 feet — because everyone thought I couldn’t. And it ended up being one of the best things I’ve ever done.

Don’t get me wrong, I was shaking with nerves on the way up there. And sure, there were a million things that could have…

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