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REI Tech

Can You Really Love Meetings?

meetingAsk any cubicle jockey in the corporate world what they think of meetings. Chances are you won’t get a favorable response. The working world spends TONS of time in meetings. Yet so many meetings result in no meaningful progress for a business.

Business in general, and real estate investing in particular, is a team sport. We need to collaborate with others to achieve success. Meetings are the obvious way to plan, review, brainstorm or just work collaboratively.

Why does everyone hate meetings so much? Probably because many of them are essentially useless. Some of the reasons?

  • No clear agenda
  • Nothing accomplished during the meeting
  • No following up after the meeting to make sure actions are complete

Seems like after so many meetings, we would have eliminated these problems. Not so much. Maybe up until now there hasn’t been the right tool to help?

Meet Your New Meeting Buddy

Now there is a web tool to make your meetings much…

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