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Instant Guru

Daily Quick Start Session #3

Let's make you an official Instant Guru today.

What makes you official?

Your website.

Don't worry about the fact that you have absolutely no idea what the frick you're doing yet.

"Build it and they will come."

And when they come. I'll be right here to tell you what to do.

Listen, when you're just getting started doing ANYthing new, you're going to be a little uncomfortable. Get over it.

You just have to act like you know what time it is, and then people will think you know what time it is ... until you actually DO know what time it is. Then you can stop acting. That's just how it works. If there was a way around it, I'd be the first to tell ya.

I know the struggle, believe me.

My whole first year in real estate I almost never knew what the heck I was talking about. But I just said it all with so much confidence that people figured I must know what I'm doing.

So let's get going. You first official Instant Guru class starts in a few days, and we wanna have you all set up and ready to go by the time school is in session. That way we can spend our time talking about important things and not the little details.

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