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REI Tech

Helpful Tips for Curing Internet ADD

chickenAttention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is all over the news. Kids in schools are treated for it regularly, and there are all sorts of jokes about it…

Still, it’s hard not to get distracted in the internet age. Every time you hop on the internet, you are bombarded by various distractions, such as:

  • Ads all over the page
  • Email notifications popping up on your screen
  • Social media notifications
  • Little news blurbs that tempt you to click on them

I’m sure you can think of a bunch of other things as well.

Consider when you research potential leads on Craigslist or Zillow. Besides searching for ‘motivated’ or ‘must sell,’ you might start thinking of how you might want a new iPad at a great price, so you search there as well. 

Or you wonder what other houses are selling for. Good research to do, but it is easy to get caught up looking through all the pictures on Zillow and struggling with questions like, “Are those houses staged better than…

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