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Housing: “I’m Ready for My Close-Up, Mr. Congressman.”

Want our step-by-step process on how to partner with the biggest cash-buyers of single family houses the world has ever seen? Learn more here →

(NOTE: Want to learn how to flip houses to hedge funds? Click here for our “Partnering With Hedge Funds” special report.)

spotlightFrom John Grant, Lobbyist & Advocate for Retail REI.  After six months of working Capitol Hill, we are pleased with the progress so far this year on meaningful housing reform, and we expect this fall to be the setting for the first major battles to decide the future of the American housing market.

Our private advocacy efforts, spearheaded by top leaders in the residential real estate industry, will have a prominent voice during the upcoming debates.

Most importantly, the U.S. Senate has introduced a comprehensive housing reform bill (details are provided below). So far, the measure has garnered mostly positive reviews.

Some critics believe the bill does not offer a dramatic shift away from the current GSE model. These critics largely believe there should be no government backing of the housing market, and from a political perspective that is simply a non-starter.


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