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Investing Strategies

Avoid Daisy Chains, They’re Stupid

wrongYou know that feeling when you call the cable company to dispute your bill, and you get “passed around” by 8 customer service reps before you finally speak to a manager who can actually make an actual decision?

No? Just me? Okay then...

Hey investors, Jason Lucchesi here. Today, I want to chat about a similarly frustrating feeling that comes from daisy chains. You’re probably like, “Huh? Daisy chains, really Jason?”

But let me explain!

I’m not talking about the pretty daisy chains that little kids put in their hair. I’m talking about the ugly daisy chains that suck up your time and leave you empty-handed, as an investor.

In real estate investing, a “daisy chain” happens when Mr. Seller contracts a property to Mr. Seller II (another seller) who contracts it to Mrs. Seller, and so on. By the time the chain reaches the buyer, the closing often falls through – because the property was A) never under contract or B) sold without informing all the…

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