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Keep Calm and Do Your Due Diligence

keep calmMaking an offer can be a scary thing. What if you offer too much or too little? How do you know what number to offer a seller?

Hey Moguls, Steph Davis here…

Fear of making an offer is VERY real for many new real estate investors – and the butterflies might still show up every now and then even for experienced investors!

But when you’re spending your own money on marketing and you’ve got a motivated seller on the line, it’s time to face that fear.


Well, to start, if you missed my previous lesson about just how to conquer that fear and pick up the phone, check it out here.

So if we’re getting past our fear, today I want to talk about how to make the right offer…

The key to making offers with confidence is to do your due diligence. When you’ve done your research, you can keep calm and call that seller…

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