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Inner Game

Make Success Your Lifestyle

sorryI simply do not consider myself a regular person.

Are you a regular person? Or do you fancy yourself as a little better than most?

Hey Moguls, Preston Ely here, and I’d like to find out with you…

Take this Normality Test:

  1. Do you go on diets?
  2. Is working out a roller coaster – you have weeks of regular workouts and then weeks of nothing?
  3. Do you plan on retiring one day?
  4. Do you stay informed of current events and watch the news every day?
  5. Do you like Suze Orman?
  6. Are you overweight? All the time?
  7. Do you make minimum payments on credit cards?
  8. Do you drive in rush hour traffic?
  9. Do you think Suze Orman is NOT a space alien?
  10. Do you work for someone else?
  11. Do you think the “money” magazines are giving you legitimate advice about what really works? Or rather, are you aware that they are owned by investment companies created for no other reason than to get your money, give you practically nothing back and use it to create real wealth for themselves?
  12. Do you think Suze Orman’s teeth are fully acceptable? Or should she be held to a higher standard seeing as how she is rich and on national TV on a regular basis… and common sense would be to not freak out the general public, and give me nightmares with her crazy teeth chasing me through dark alleys trying to eat me?

If you answered “yes” to any of those, then you’re a regular 'ole person. Quit kidding yourself.

I’m renaming you…

You are now Lenny The Lemming My Funniest Friend Of The Universe. But we’ll call you Lemming for short.

So it’s settled: You’re normal. But big deal. We can change that.

I fear nothing more in life than normality. It’s like kryptonite to me.

“If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” 
                                                                                                             ~ Maya Angelou

Really Good & Free Tip

Listen, friend, here’s a great tip to go along with all the other great stuff I am continually giving you…

normalThis is really good so make sure and let this soak in your dome for a hot minute:

When you see the masses of the world all doing something… don’t do it.

You can quote me on that if you want. It sounds like a really great quote to me.

You know what, I just figured out why I don’t like being normal. Wanna hear it?

I don’t like being normal, because I like being FREE.

We know that approximately 3% of this world makes the other 97% go around. In my opinion, the 3% are free to CHOOSE. The 97% are simply here for the ride. Going wherever the 3% decide to take them.

“Choice is an illusion, created between those with power, and those without.”
                                                            ~ Merovingian, The Matrix Reloaded

Wake Up

Stop swallowing everything the world gives you. YOU start dishing it out. YOU take control. The time is NOW and the person is YOU.

Wake…the #*$!…UP.

The reason resolutions don’t work is the same reason diets don’t work. You have not decided to make healthiness and wholeness a lifestyle.

Resolutions are something that you do and, therefore, they are doomed to failure since we can never do anything that is against our nature for very long.

I don’t make resolutions to eat right and exercise for the simple reason that I have been eating right and exercising 365 days a year every year for more than a decade. I will be doing it when I’m 90.

I decided a long time ago that healthiness was a part of who I am – not something that I do.

I don’t eat healthy – I am healthy.

dietTherefore, I simply give my body what it naturally wants. Eating bad food for more than a day or so repulses me. It’s just not me.

Let’s Wrap It Up

Winners write lifetime, 10-year, 5-year and 1-year goals… then modify and analyze them continually throughout the year – not just on January 1 (like the rest of the sheep in the flock).

And I happen to believe that it is possible to be successful without even doing that much. I know plenty of millionaires who do not write out goals.

Make success a lifestyle – not something to achieve. Make it a part of who you are, not somewhere you are going.

“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.”
                                                                                                   ~ Albert Einstein

It’s starts in your heart and works its way out.

You can do it. I believe in you.

“Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.”
                                                                                                                 ~ David Frost

Peace and freedom.

Speak Up

Tell us about your successful lifestyle in the comments section below.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Wake up and take control of your business and life.

Write down your goals and modify them as you progress.

Make success a lifestyle by believing in yourself.

Be an individual - don’t just do what everyone else is doing.

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