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Investing Strategies

Making that Mailbox Money: Part 2

Hey Moguls, Sean Brooks here again…

Welcome back to the most profound topic I have discussed thus far, Mailbox Money.  This is part 2 of a two-part series on this subject, so if you haven’t read Part 1 yet, stop everything you are doing and go back and check it out. (And while you’re at it, check out my other awesome lessons, too.)

Without Part 1, what I’m about to share with you may not make sense, and quite frankly, you may think I’m full of it.

But the truth is, what I’m going to share with you here today is possible and I’m not full of it. And I’ll prove it to you with real-world examples of actual deals.

Not only is it possible, but it’s probable, IF you know the system. And if you have been following my lessons, then you are one smart cookie, because I am here for 1 reason and 1 reason only… and that is to share my system of creating long-term passive income investing in mobile homes.

What’s even more incredible is all the different investors, in all stages of the game, who are modeling this very system and getting incredible results.

Whether you are a naive 22 year old who knows absolutely nothing about investing, like I was when I got started or you have been a full-time investor for years and are looking for a quick way to make massive passive returns, I guarantee this lesson is for you.

But here’s the deal. I don’t have time in this lesson to do a recap. Today is nuts and bolts.

So buckle your seat belts, it’s about to get real.

In today’s lesson…

The focus is about passive income. Or what I like to call Mailbox Money.

Money that shows up in your mailbox every single month, whether you work or not.

mobileI’m gonna show you how to do the work one time upfront, and get paid for years and years to come. Do I have your attention yet? If not you better check your pulse.

I’m also going to show you real-world examples of exactly how this is done, so you can do the same thing in your market.

Creating long-term passive income investing in mobile homes depends where you’re at in the REI game.

So I’ll give it to you as straight as it freakin’ gets. Period. Please pay attention. This is broken down as simple as possible.

  1. We buy a mobile home for a discount because of our incredible ninja-like marketing and our cheeky negotiation skills
  2. We raise the price tremendously (normally between 2-4 times what you paid for it)
  3. We sell on payments. We finance the thing. We collect a large down payment that normally recoups most of our initial investment, and then get paid every single month until they don’t owe us any more money!

Sounds pretty cool? Good.

Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of fine details to cover, and I will get to every single one in future lessons to come...

For now, it’s imperative that you understand the foundation of this model, because in every lesson moving forward we will be building toward something… toward building a business.

This is why I recommend reading these lessons in order, never skipping a beat, because I am strategically writing these for you to follow, so you can build your own mobile home flip biz.

Let me put my money where my mouth is…

Yes, that’s a reference to the picture at the beginning of this lesson, which is actually me, by the way. :-)

My most wonderful time of the year is DEAL TIME, and it comes over and over again. And right now, it’s Deal Time, my friend. More importantly, it’s Mailbox Money Deal Time.

caseCheck out this $13,082 case study...

One of our students, Sarah, knocked it out of the park with this deal.  She found a highly motivated seller and bought the property for $5,600 cash. Her exit strategy was to resell the home with owner financing, to maximize her cash flow and make sure she didn't have any "landlord" responsibilities.

Here's how the numbers played out:

Found motivated seller

  • Purchase Price: $5,600
  • Repairs: $310
  • Holding Costs: $618
  • Total Investment: $6,528

Resold with financing

  • Down Payment: $4,000
  • Monthly NET Cash Flow: $390
  • Length of Term: 40 Months
  • Total Revenue: $19,600

Total Profit: $13,082

Not too bad, right?!

For 40 months she just got a pay raise of $390 per month.

She did the work one time, up front… and for 40 months, will collect a check in her mailbox once a month for $390… also known as, Mailbox Money! (As I write this, I kid you not, I just yelled that out loud, long and slow like the announcer from The Price Is Right.)

The most mind boggling thing from that deal is not that she did the work once and got paid for 40 months… whether she decided to get off the couch or not (again I always recommend getting off the couch regardless of how much Mailbox Money you got coming in each month)…

It’s not that she made $13,082 in net profit.

porchIt’s not even that she dang near tripled her money.

The reason this excites me so much, the reason I am passionate about this business, and the reason I am here sharing this information with you, is because of the most insane statistic about the sample deal above…

A statistic that is common with these deals…

She made a 61.27% return on day 1 that she sold the trailer!

And in 1 year, her REI was 127% !

Now you know why Warren Buffet loves mobile homes

I had the very same face that you are wearing right now years ago...

I was in your very seat, when I decided to sit down and actually take a close look at the numbers.

Before I saw the numbers, I didn’t take this niche seriously, and when I ran them like I just did above for you, well, as they say, “the rest is history.”

So you must ask yourself, “Can YOU handle these numbers?”

If this is something that excites you, then I am excited to continue the journey with you.

You have now officially graduated from Mobile Home University 101 You now have an overall picture of what the entire model looks like. You are beginning to build a solid foundation in this incredibly profitable niche.

So it’s time we move on to start looking at this in a more linear process – exactly how to get you from A to Z in this model.

So, in our next lesson that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m going to walk you through exactly Step By Step, how to go out, find a deal, buy it, fix it, and dang near quadruple your money by selling on payments.

As fun as the “courting” process has been with you getting your foundation built, it’s time we take the next step.

Lemme hear ya

Got any mobile home investing questions? Have you done your first mobile home deal? Share below.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Go back and read all previous lessons of mine, do so now. We are going to start moving fast, so it’s imperative you keep up.

Begin to think as everything in terms of cash flow, not overall price, necessarily. It’s a paradigm shift. You don’t need $18,000 to buy a new car, you need $390 a month, a.k.a. 1 mobile home investment (a-ha).

Add up all the monthly expenses you have each month. This will be one of our 1st milestones. If your expenses are $2,500 a month, our goal is to create that in passive cash flow via mobile homes.

Take some serious time to yourself, in deep thought and imagine what it would feel like knowing every single month, you didn’t have to worry about your bills or scrape money together for retirement or your kid’s college fund or stress because your spouse still has to work... what would that feel like? Think hard, harness it and write it down.

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