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REI Tech

Are You Working with a Real Estate Agent?

ownerThat’s the question listing agents ask when you go look at a house. Many investors are not big fans of real estate agents. Agents take a healthy percentage of your profits as a commission. I’m sure if investors could eliminate agents from real estate, they would jump at the chance.

The fact that there are so many Realtors around, means someone is making money as an agent. People are using them.

The truth is there are some very useful agents out there. They will actually make you more than you are losing on their commission – sometimes a lot more…

They can be your bird dogs.

Some of them will feed you pocket listings that nobody else knows about. And when it comes to deals, 50% of a deal is better than 100% of no deal. In other words, it’s far better to have people bring you lots of deals, than you taking time to find a few deals on your own.

Agents can also be very good on the sell side too. Once you have a property rehabbed or you want…

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