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Inner Game

Stop Daydreaming

You see it all over social media... stunning photos of luxurious houses, sleek and expensive vehicles and picture-perfect families on amazing vacations. And we’re told, over and over, that it’s important to “visualize” these things, so we can think positive thoughts and set lofty goals for our future.

But I’m here to tell you... it’s all a load of bull.

Hey Moguls, Steven Howell here, and I’m not trying to burst your bubble, but sometimes a perfect fantasy can have a negative impact on our motivation and our actual production.

Instead of daydreaming about the outcome of our lives and careers, we need to think more about the practical steps and actions that will get us there.

How can we accomplish this? Let me tell you more...

Keep in mind that it’s not always a bad thing to have dreams about your future – this can be a way to inspire yourself. But if you don’t also take a look at the practical, realistic…

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