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Inner Game

Rung I: Building a Success Ladder (One You Can Actually Climb)

success “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,
award-winning writer & journalist

I love the simplicity yet poignant truth of that quote. Whether it’s a personal goal or a professional one, you really can’t achieve anything unless you have a detailed plan for accomplishing it.

Hey Moguls, JP Moses here, and the idea for my lesson today was sparked by a potent Mindset Monday lesson from our faculty advisor, Steven Howell. His “Stop Daydreaming,” video lesson stood out to me for a couple of reasons.

In case you missed it, you should go take a look. It’s a quick, 5-minute video that’s easy to digest, and it’s completely worth your time.

In his video, Steven reflects on why we should stop daydreaming. Sounds like a downer, right? But he has some valid and…

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