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Inner Game

Are You Doing Whatever It Takes?

Imagine your perfect life. Now compare that to your current life.

Anything missing?

How would you like to learn how to play full out every day and win the game of life?

Hey Moguls, JP Moses here, and if you are serious about creating the life of your dreams, then I have a question for you:

Just how committed are you?

Because this isn’t a minor commitment. I’m talking about a major commitment to changing your life from what it is now to what you imagined it could be.

Commitment Quantified

Okay, so let’s say you’re committed. That’s great.

Can you put a number to that commitment?

Because if you really want to reach your goals you can’t commit just 50%. Nope. You need to commit 110%.

This will look different for everyone. See if any of these examples resonate with what your 110% looks like:

  • getting up earlier
  • staying up later
  • exercising daily—rain, shine or even snow
  • writing down your task list
  • speaking your affirmations out loud daily
  • reading your goals several times every day
  • taking action on your goals daily
  • working with a coach who inspires you
  • forming a Mastermind alliance to join forces with others

The bottom line is that giving 110% means you’re committed to reaching your goals no matter what. No matter what obstacles you face. No matter what challenges come your way. No matter how tough it gets.

Not Quite All, Folks

So far this probably doesn’t sound too bad… but just making up your mind to reach your goals isn’t going to be enough.

doitYou may need to learn some new skills. You may need help from someone else. You may need to create new millionaire habits and eliminate old, less positive habits.

You will absolutely need to grow and change in order to reach your goals.

Growing Pains

People go through a process when they learn. This process is sometimes called the 4 States of Competency. It starts off with being unconsciously incompetent—you don’t know what you don’t know. For example, when you were a little tyke you didn’t realize that you didn’t know how to drive a car.

Then your awareness of cars increased (family road trips anyone?) and you become consciously incompetent—you now know what you don’t know.

Eventually you take driving lessons and you (hopefully) become consciously competent—you know how to make a left turn, and yet you really have to think about it.

Finally, you achieve unconscious competence—you cruise around town without thinking about which pedal is the gas and which is the brake. And suddenly you are free.

Your goal should be to walk through this process on a regular basis. You should constantly be able to do more as you become unconsciously competent in the skills you are learning.

What You Need to Move Forward

So often I hear people make New Year’s resolutions... then within hours, days or a couple weeks it’s gone.

I want you to prove it to yourself and prove it to me and prove it to the universe that this is your year.

Prove it by committing 110%. Prove it by jumping at every opportunity to get the resources, the education, the tools, and most importantly, the people by your side today.

What do you need to reach your next level in learning and your next level in life? And how are you going to get it today? This week?

Whatcha Think?

What tools or people are key for you to achieve your goals? Let me know below!


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

1. Determine what giving 110% every day looks like for you.

2. Commit to learn and grow to reach your goals.

3. Don’t wait. Start acquiring the resources, education and relationships you need to reach your goals today.

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