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REI Tech

The Siri of Social Media

storyOf course you’re familiar with social media – it’s kind of hard to miss these days. The CEOs of the big ones are in front of Congress... people are joining or quitting different sites... and there seems to be no end of ‘gurus’ who can show you how to be a zillionaire by marketing on social media.

Gurus aside, social media platforms are one of the most important tools for investors – whether you’re a newbie or an expert. And it’s easy to see why. Social media gives you the opportunity to connect with an incredibly diverse audience without spending too much money.

While it can be tiresome for you to constantly see #relationshipgoals or #blessed posts on Instagram or Facebook, social media is undeniably one of the best ways to gain leads and grow your investor network.

Your Social Media Assistant

Let’s say you now have your social media accounts up and ready...

The next step is to get people to notice you by consistently posting fresh, quality content.…

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