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Political Influence: The Right (and Wrong) Way to Get It

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(NOTE: Want to learn how to flip houses to hedge funds? Click here for our “Partnering With Hedge Funds” special report.)

politicsAs I am waiting for the responses from my initial round of meetings on Capitol Hill in January (you can review past articles to see the progress the Distressed Property Coalition has already made in 2013), I thought I would take an opportunity to address an issue that comes up quite often: the merits of online petitions as a means of influencing lawmakers and national policy.

Full disclosure, I started working in D.C. a month after graduating from Johns Hopkins back in 1995, and the majority of those years I have worked as a lobbyist or some form of consultant for hedge funds, investment banks, and of course real estate interests and Real Estate Mogul.

So one could conclude that it is in my interest to dismiss any other forms of advocacy other than direct lobbyist. And they would be correct. However, I also have history on my side.

The Way It’s Always Been Done

For decades, investors have primarily lobbied via petitions, canned letters to politicians, and the like.

I heard one story about an investor group…

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