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REI Tech

Welcome to the Future of Property Listings

coolThe internet revolutionized how buyers look for properties and how sellers advertised. Before the MLS joined the information age, buyers and agents would have to pour through physical books of listings in the broker’s office. Ugh!

Fast forward to today… buyers can grab a glass of their favorite beverage and look up listings on their smartphones. Or they can drive by a house and look it up as they are sitting in front of it.

But between then and now, one thing that has not changed a whole lot are the pictures sellers use. Yes, we now have videos and virtual tours, but they are still 2-D pictures pulled together.

Quality pictures are huge. Many real estate agents believe they are vital to selling real estate. So why haven’t they changed much? Well, soon they just might…

Time for the Third Dimension

A company out in Silicon Valley…

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