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Inner Game

Why I Make BANK in Any Freaking Market

pigHey Moguls, Preston Ely here…

Is your goal to become wealthy via real estate?

If not, then why the heck are you reading this? Shoo fly, don’t bother me! This lesson is for really, really smart people only and really, really smart people only want to become wealthy via real estate.

If it IS your goal, then what is keeping you from achieving that goal? It’s easy. Really.

Why aren’t you doing it? It’s certainly not because of the market. I teach my students how to make sweet moolah in any market – up or down.

In fact, one of my students in Arkansas just flipped three houses at once. Another one here in Florida made $27,000 on a flip within 30 days of becoming my student. And, we have one closing right now for $17,000.

I also heard from a guy who is closing and walking with a check for $41,000. Guess what his formal training was in order to accomplish this feat… he read my Ultimate "101 Guide" to Real Estate Investing.

We probably have at least 3 or 4 other closings going on right now if I had to guess. All of them are wholesale deals that we put zero dollars down on, never took title to and never even saw the actual house for the most part.

Sound impossible?

Then that’s your biggest problem. You’re living in a deluded state. Because as all of us quasi-enlightened folk know good and well…

Nothing is impossible.

It Is Possible

bankLook, when the real estate marketing crashed after the sub-prime meltdown, people were crying because they couldn’t make any money – deals were cheap, but nobody was buying.

But we were accelerating our growth and making more money hand over fist when everybody else said it couldn’t be done.

When the market’s up, it’s harder to find deals for most folks, but not me. Most folks are all over the place, but we’re able to do deals just as well in an up market or down market because we move with the cheese. And we believe - plain and simple – that there’s no market conditions that will stand in our way. One way or another, we will shift or adjust to position ourselves in front of the cash that the market is begging to give us.

My business – and my students – always do well in both types of markets.

You don’t think it can be done? Well, then you are operating out of your own limited consciousness based on your personal experience with no focus at all on the big picture. And that is keeping you from living a bigger, more fulfilled life.

To say that just because YOU (seemingly) can’t do something NOBODY can, it has got to be the most prideful, pathetic, negative, disempowering, insecure, fearful, ignorant, idiotic, closed-minded, poverty-bound expression of LAMENESS that I’ve ever heard.

And not surprisingly, I hear it fairly regularly.

“The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.”
                                                                     ~ Albert Einstein

Quitters Never Win

I remember back during the crash, investors were quitting the game left and right. Short sale investors were suicidal; they couldn’t find buyers. Realtors were being… weird. Builders were going out of business.

Today, it’s the other side of the coin. Investors are crying all the time that they can’t find deals or the margins they need, while we’re making money hand over fist.

Why is it that my students and I are making so much freaking money, whether the market’s way up, way down or somewhere in between… and how can we sleep till noon every day with no fear at all of lack or poverty?

Because we…are freakin’ real, real smart. That’s why.

believeThis isn’t even a pitch to recruit you as a student… I’m simply helping you see what’s possible so that you’ll go do it too. I am merely letting you know that where there’s a will, there’s a way. If you want to make a lot of money in real estate, then go out and darn DO IT.

Geez, I’m so sick of people not accomplishing anything. I can’t stand it. I wish I could just drive to the Sense Store, buy a bunch of it, and shake it into everyone.

The real estate dream is real. The money is real.

Just look at all the deals my students and I are doing and have done even in down markets…. look at all the checks. Be inspired. Open your eyes and believe.

We are not doing anything super special. This does not take any amazingly spectacular gifts or talents in my opinion. Most of us never went to college. Those of us who did consider it a minor handicap.

You know what we DO do that is special: We believe… and then actually do the work. We don’t just talk about it – we do the dang thang. We don’t dabble – we plunge. We make it happen.

Belief and tenacity is why my students and I make it work – in any market.

I highly recommend that you do the same. Life is better with money. I promise you that.

Make it happen.

Sup, Friends

Are you making it happen? Tell me about it below.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Recognize your own limiting beliefs and squash them.

Kick fear to the curb.

Understand there are REI strategies you can implement to help you do deals in any type of market.

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