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REI Tech

Your Reputation Is Everything

tryYour customers are on the internet today. Even if someone is dead broke, facing foreclosure and bankruptcy, they still manage to pay their smartphone bill each month.

Of course we all want to meet these broke people. Especially if they own a home. They are what we call ‘motivated sellers.’ Motivated sellers are looking for help. They want help from someone they trust.

Is that person you?

It better be if you want the deal.

First those motivated sellers have to find you on the internet. Then they have to know that you will do what you say. And of course, they have to like what you say you’ll do.

It’s not just motivated sellers either. If you have a property management company, potential rental property owners that can become your customers will search for reviews. Potential renters might also do the same thing.

In a recent survey, 90%…

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