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Investing Strategies

2 Criteria for Choosing a Virtual Market

Are you interested in branching out from investing in your local area to doing deals remotely in another city… but you’re not sure which remote city?

Hey Moguls, Chris Chico here, and I get a lot of questions related to this about market evaluation…

So in my lesson today, I want to share with you 2 simple yet specific criteria you should use to evaluate a market, to help you figure out if it’s valid or not…

Meaning, whether you should or shouldn’t invest there.

Investor Buyers

So, one of the first things I look into is how many buyers are in a particular market and how many of them are actively buying properties.

Personally, I like to use ListSource for my searches. But there others search sites you could use, like RealQuest, for example.

So, we search online for these details:

  • property types:

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