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Inner Game

Afraid to Call Sellers? Here's How to Stop That...

don't know“To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.”
Bertrand Russell

Hello Moguls, Andrew "the Maestro" Massaro here, with a blog post that I think many of you will relate with.

Recently, a student asked me a question that I thought would make a great Mogul lesson – it has to do with fear. See if it rings true for you: My student says he literally freezes at just the thought of talking with sellers. He says he’s not the kind of guy to get spooked or feel serious anxiety, and he can’t figure out why this is happening. He asked me if I have any ice-breaker tips to get the conversation started smoothly.

My first thought is this: Don’t let guilt plague you over this. Fear is normal and common. Everyone – especially, I should say, every investor – has felt fear as they move forward in these new areas. You’re…

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