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All About Hard Money

Do you know what hard money is? Do you know why it’s called hard money?

Well, I get asked about deal funding all the time. And specifically, people want to know about hard money.

Steve Cook here with today’s lesson that’s devoted to just this topic.

I’m laying out some really helpful hard money info as a Q&A, followed by some useful tips to wrap it all up.

Let’s get to it…

What exactly is a hard money lender anyway?

Private – or “hard money” – lenders are private individuals with surplus money available for investment. Some have deep pockets while some have limited resources. 

Based upon their own personal criteria, they lend this surplus money, primarily on a short-term basis, to real estate investors who use it for a variety of profitable purposes including buying and repairing distressed properties.

Why is it called hard money?

Don’t be confused by the term “hard money.” It doesn’t…

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