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Wholesaling 401

Buyer Contractual Responsibility

In this awesome training session, Preston Ely is talking with super-smart investor, Marshall Thompson, who’s a high-volume wholesaler. All of Marshall’s deals are subject-to deals, which profit $10,000-$15,000 per deal. Basically, a subject-to deal puts the deed in the investor’s name, but leaves the mortgage in the seller’s name. So, in today’s session, you’ll learn why subject-tos are such great strategies, how to do them and perhaps most importantly, why it all actually comes down to your relationship with the seller and the rapport you’ve established. Subject-tos are a subject you want to know about it. See what I just did there with the word subject? Nice, huh? (Download a PDF transcript of this session in the Power Pack Tools.)

Discover and Learn:

  • What exactly a subject-to is and why you’d want to invest in them
  • The only instance when not to do a subject-to
  • Why sellers would agree to subject-tos
  • Preston explains the one thing that is the most important in subject-tos
  • What exactly to say when negotiating on subject-tos
  • Why you’ve gotta have a plan, a vision and a belief system

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