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Business Development

Don't Wait! Start Your Own Investing Group

You’ve heard about Meetup groups, right?

You know, when groups of people with similar interests get together.

But have you ever thought about forming your own?

You can create a Meetup group to gain exposure, build up partnerships and share ideas and advice with other investors and Realtors in your area. By forming your own group, you can be that authority figure who other people go to when they need to get deals unloaded.

Hey Moguls, Jason Lucchesi here and when I’ve suggested this to students and fellow investors, I often hear them say, ‘Well, Jason, I don’t have the same authority figure status you do.’

And do you know what I say to that?

Yes, you do!

You can do it

You absolutely have the power – right now. (My group typically gets together the second Tuesday of every month.)

Go the Meetup site and create a group for your area, name it whatever you want – possibly with ‘Real Estate’ or ‘Investing’ in the title. Just get it going!

Meeting up with other like-minded pros on a regular basis is going to help you grow and scale your business by encouraging you to level up your game and even pushing you to exceed your fellow investors.

Maybe you’re new and you haven’t closed a deal yet, or you only have 1 or 2 deals under your belt… and you really want to make this happen for yourself – a full-time investor, the CEO of your own business.

You’ve got to start thinking like a boss… like a leader… like a CEO.

Commit to the process

But it won’t work if you’re not all in. You need to be committed to your Meetup group. For at least 90 days.

And look, you don’t need to rent out a big ole conference room. Go to a Starbucks. Chill out, relax and have a topic to discuss.

What’s great about Meetup groups is that everyone has a chance to talk and participate in the discussion.

meetingI suggest you start off small – 4 to 5 people – and everyone gets 10-15 minutes during a hot seat session to share everything about their business. And allow the other participants to offer advice, recommendations, whatever – so there’s collaboration and team effort.

You group can also be a safe place to offer constructive, helpful feedback.

You’ll hear a lot of ideas – there will be lots of give and take… lots of sharing… lots of gaining new insight.

And over time, word will get out about your group and new people will want to join. Which means even more new ideas and collaboration.

Post short videos and pictures about your group on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram, and invite others to join. Create a frenzy. People will want to join in, I assure you.

It really does happen…

I started a Meetup group and within a short time, I had 75(!) people almost right away, and now we’re up to 300(!!).

It will grow quickly and organically. Expect a lot of engagement from your area.


I also like it because it helps you meet other people in your area who are in real estate… and you can do a lot of potentially deals together.

Maybe you have the seller of a really great estate sale property and someone from your group has a buyer – well, can you say joint venture?!

Just be open minded. And don’t worry if you don’t get a lot of people right away – just be consistent with the meetings and it will work. Consistency is key.

I highly encourage this free approach. I’ve seen a lot of people have great success with Meetups. You can too.

Where are we meeting

Have you started your own group or you’re involved in one? Tell us about it below.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Form your own Meetup group.

Post pictures and brief videos about your group on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram and invite others to join.

Meet on a regular basis, at least once a month to share ideas, deals, brainstorm, troubleshoot and network.

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