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REI Tech

Email Marketing Made Easy

As real estate investors looking for great deals, we tend to concentrate on direct mail and other offline methods.  Yellow letters, postcards, bandit signs – you name it.  It seems like we advertise in the real world.  Not so much in the digital world.

Yet it seems like sales people in lots of other industries are turning more to the web and email marketing to find their prospects.  The reason they are turning to the digital world is because their consumers are turning to the digital world.  So why can’t real estate investors follow their profitable lead?

Many offline marketing methods make sense.  It is much easier to find a physical address of a motivated seller than an email address.  Not to mention we get tons of emails in our inboxes every day, but people don’t get too many letters.

But if we just think about motivated sellers, we are neglecting a large portion of our business.  For every…

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