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REI Tech

Quick and Easy… Lead-Generating Websites (Get Out of the Gutter)

These days it goes without saying, but real estate investors really need their own website.  Even if you don’t get a single lead through the site, it’s a great way to build credibility for you with leads from other sources.

But do we really want to spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on a website?  Heck no

Trying to find a good web designer is challenging, and the good ones are not all that cheap.  Sure there are also designers over in India or China, but what kind of quality do they offer?  And they will still have a price tag of several hundred dollars to put together something good.

Another alternative is to build the site yourself.  At first glance this sounds daunting.  After all, we are real estate investors, not programmers.  We would much rather spend our time on profitable deals than learning to build websites.

There is an alternative to buying or building an expensive website…

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