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Inner Game

From Struggling to Success in 5 Steps

Nobody likes to ride the struggle-bus. No one enjoys the day-to-day exhaustion of failing…

Luckily, failure and struggle are character-shaping experiences, if you handle them with an optimistic attitude.

What if I told you that a determined mindset is all you need to go from struggle to success for your REI business?

Now, I’m not trying to be cheesy with this – so stay with me. Achieving success and abundance in your life doesn’t have to be a far-off “dream” that glitters like a gold tower in the distance. It can be obtainable right now. 

And the best part is: It doesn’t have to be complicated. You can take simple steps to achieve the sustainable success you desire.

Hey Moguls, JP Moses here with some pearls of wisdom that I hope you’ll enjoy. Many of us have considered ourselves successful – at some points in our life – but that long-term, lasting, “never-have-to-worry-about-finances” dream is still out there.

And, it’s reachable…

Maybe in the past you’ve reached a “plateau” of success, and were surprised to discover that you weren’t as fulfilled and happy as you thought you would be. Fortunately, there are other levels of plateaus to reach… you probably just haven’t reached the right one yet.

“Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs: the future can be
better than the present; and I have the power to make it so.”

                 ~David Brooks, author and New York Times columnist

So, if you’ve been struggling to build a successful REI business or scale it, sometimes it’s most helpful to go back to the basics, and focus on these 5 steps…

#1 Re-envision your future

Think about what, exactly, you want your future to be...

What does it look like from a 360-degree view?

If you’ve already accomplished certain aspects of your vision, think about the new levels of success that you could achieve. It’s a simple exercise, but it can be profoundly effective.

#2 Create a clearly defined plan concerning your “wants”

While your vision is an overall goal, you also need to break that vision up into specific “wants” that you hope to achieve.

What do you want your day to look like?

Which “wants” will make you feel happy and fulfilled?

Determine which “wants” you need to focus on for the next 30 days, 60 days, 6 months, 12 months and so on. Put an actual date (i.e. October 15, 2018) on each “want.”

beer#3 Ask yourself some key questions

One question that I find to be particularly helpful is:

“What is one habit that I can incorporate into my daily life that will create more success for me?”

Usually, this comes down to identifying your #1 income-producing activity.

It might be making more phone calls, sending out a specific direct mail piece or finding new property leads.

#4 Remember what brought you to this point

Even if you haven’t reached your ideal level of success, you’ve probably come a long way in your career – if you stop and think about it.

When you reflect on the habits that brought you to this place in your career, you’ll see a clear pattern of beneficial actions that you may need to revisit.

We’re always hearing that “change is good” – and, don’t get me wrong, it can be! But it’s also helpful to remember what brought us to this point...

Maybe you once thrived by creating daily to-do lists or by reciting and reading daily affirmations. Bring those habits back into your life, if you have found them to be successful in the past.

#5 Consider what you need to do differently

Now comes the part where you embrace change...

Think about what you need to change, in order to achieve your ultimate level of success.

What do you need to do differently in the next 30 days, 60 days and so on?

This is a great opportunity to re-energize and “re-create” yourself!

Ready, Set, Go

If you still feel discouraged, remember this: As an entrepreneur, you already have a certain skillset that is unique. You’re determined, dedicated and creative with your business.

If you’re driven enough (which, let’s face it, you are!), you can double, triple or even quadruple your business in the next year.

With the right mindset, you can stop struggling and start succeeding.

Share with Us

Which of the 5 techniques do you think will be most beneficial for your situation? Let us know in the comments section below.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Define your future; be specific about what you want to achieve

Make a list of your “wants;” nothing is too big or too small!

Pinpoint your #1 income-producing habit, and make it a priority in your daily schedule

Determine which practices have been helpful in the past and re-incorporate them into your business

Figure out which habits you need to change, in order to achieve your ultimate level of success

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