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The Power of Scarcity to Get Funding and Deals

scarcityHas this ever happened to you?

You got a great lead, which ended up turning into an awesome deal (happy face!)… only to have it all fall apart? (Sad face.)

Well, don’t worry, this happens to the best of us.

And, it just happens that there’s a little secret to locking in that ‘Yes!’ from a private money lender or seller. And I think you’ll find this lesson pretty interesting…

Make It Scarce

So, like anything else, there’s no guaranteed, one-size-fits-all approach to get people on board with your business. But there are absolutely some powerful tools you can add to your belt when talking to potential private money lenders, buyers or sellers – and it’s as simple as the words you use.

I’m talking about the principle of scarcity.

It’s the same psychological magic that has people scrambling to McDonald’s every time the McRib sandwich comes back… or piling Disney DVDs in the shopping cart when their childhood favorites leave…

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