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Help! How Do I Get EMD Funds?

dollarWhen a new investor is first starting out in this business, funds are nearly always in short supply. That being the case, how and where can you get the cash to put down an earnest money deposit (EMD) on your deals?

Well, Jason Lucchesi back with you again to help…

I remember exactly what it felt like to want to move forward with my business but being strapped for cash. When I first started out, I was living from unemployment check to unemployment check, and extra cash was a foreign concept to me.

Now, it is possible for you to do deals without cash in the beginning... even without using your own funds for EMDs.

But, having said that, it’s important for me to say that maybe you should just be wholesaling deals at this point until you do have the cash for your earnest money deposits.

Regardless of the route you choose – I’m here to help, so today, I want to walk through some options and ideas about how you can handle the EMD situation…


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