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Inner Game

Here’s How to Unblock Your Brain and Take Charge

brainDo you ever go through a funk in life?

I sure do. Sometimes I’m just not having as much fun at work as I used to… not feeling excited about getting up and diving into my day as usual… and not as fulfilled as I normally am…

And, sometimes I just don’t have a clue why I feel this way.

Hey Moguls, Trevor Mauch here…

I mean, I have great businesses. Great lifestyle. Great family. Great life.

But, while I can tell something is off – I just can’t peg it.

You may be experiencing something similar right now. So, read on… as I share my prescription for blasting through it.

Use It or Lose It

You’ve heard the saying, “Use it or lose it,” right?

Usually people are talking about having learned a foreign language, or even physical fitness when they say it. Use your body (getting up and exercising a bit every day, which is what our bodies are made for, not sitting 10 hours a day) or your health, energy and lifespan will go down the tubes.

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