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Inner Game

Persistence Pays Off - Not Just a Stupid Phrase

persistenceSuccess is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence."
 ~Colin Powell

So, we lost a deal recently. (Sad face.)

But then we got it back. (Happy face!)

How did we bring it back to life?

One word - persistence. 

Hey Moguls, Preston Ely here, and you see, my partner simply would not let it go. He refused to give up on it.

Here’s what happened…

Remember that deal I told you about a few weeks ago? The one we put under contract for $18,000 that had comps at $100,000? 
Well, the seller backed out of the deal. They wouldn’t return our phone calls.
Ain’t that a beach?
But we kept calling. And kept calling. And calling. And calling and calling and calling and calling. 
No one ever answered the phone. We called for a week straight. Then we called from another number. Lo and behold (whatever that means…), they answered.
Here was our official deal-redeeming spiel –

“Hey Jerk. We’re sick of this s#$^. You promised to give us your house and now you’re
being a Taker Backer. No one likes that. You wanna be liked don’t you? I thought so. 
Now are you gonna give us your house that you recently paid $50,000 for in
exchange for $18,000 of our cash or WHAT?”

There ya have it. 

neverModify the official deal-redeeming spiel for your particular situation and watch the magic happen. Then send me a testimonial about it.

Haha… okay, you got me. That was NOT our official deal-redeeming spiel. You see, the problem with just giving you the official deal-redeeming spiel straight away is that it’s NOT FUNNY. And if it is not FUNNY, you won’t continue to actually physically READ any of this. 
Because, as we all know, you have A.D.D. – and real estate is boring. People with A.D.D. do not put up with boring things. Hence – the time-wasting funny stuff must remain. It is a necessary evil. Please don’t make me explain myself anymore. It seriously bores me. 

“Ambition is the path to success, persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”
~William Eardley IV

Getting real…

“Persistence is incredibly important. Persistence proves to the person you're trying
to reach that you're passionate about something, that you really want something.”

~Norah O'Donnell

So here was the actual official boring-but-ultimately-deal-redeeming spiel:

“Hey Mrs. Seller. Listen, I hate to keep bugging you, it’s just that you and I had made a commitment on this property and we set aside the money needed to fund the transaction. We are constantly buying property and I just don’t want to make the mistake of using that money for another deal that will inevitably come up, and then have you call me wanting to close on our transaction. What’s the deal? Are you ready to get this thing wrapped up?”

It saved the day, and only by PERSISTENCE were we able to even deliver the message in the first place.
Don’t give up on your sellers or buyers. Stalk them. Harass them. If you don’t have a few restraining orders on you at any given time, then you are simply not trying hard enough.
Persistence is a HUGE key to your success. Be a bulldog. Be a lion. Be a bear. Choose wisely.

“Energy and persistence conquer all things.”
~Benjamin Franklin

Say something

Talk to me about how you’ve been persistent and succeeded in the comments section below.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Do not give up – ever.

Be persistent – call, call again, then call some more.

Following up is one of the keys to doing deals – so do it.

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