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Business Development

I <3 Online Auction Deals

What’s your favorite way to find property deals?

Driving for dollars, direct mail or MLS searching are a few viable methods…

But for me, these certainly aren’t at the top of the list.

Hey Moguls, Matt Andrews here. Now, I acquire properties a number of different ways. But the method I want to talk about today is the strategy that has stood out as the #1 way for me to get the best deals with the biggest spreads.

And this method is...

*drum roll please*

... online auctions!

Okay, well maybe that wasn’t as suspenseful as I had hoped, given that “online auctions” is in the title of this lesson.

Anyway, I digress...

To give you a clear picture of how to use online auctions to your advantage, I want to cover the “why,” “what,” and “how” of this strategy.  

So, let’s get right into the meaty info...


Acquiring properties through online…

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