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Inner Game

This Is How You Conquer the F-word

As you may have guessed, the F-word being discussed here is FEAR.

You see, I hear from beginner investors all the time who say:

“I’m having trouble getting up the courage to talk to sellers, real estate agents and buyers. I’ve taken courses and watched videos. I know how everything works. I’m just too scared to take the first step. What do I do?”

Hey Moguls, it’s Steph Davis here, and I assure you that this is a valid concern that I hear on a regular basis.

The best thing I can say to you is, you’re not alone. You can take comfort in knowing this is not just you.

Most everyone is nervous when first starting out. It’s new territory; it’s something you’ve never done before; it’s outside your comfort zone. The fact is, getting over fear is not something that can be learned from a course or a video.

“I have learned over the years that when one's…

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