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Investing Strategies

Apartment Investing: Smart Reno with Budget Breakdown

managementWhat’s the most obvious way that you can add value to your apartment property?

It’s not a trick question, I promise. I could never be so cruel. ;-)

Renovations, right?

Anytime you can make improvements or upgrades, you can increase the value of your multifamily property.

However – use caution before diving into an extensive list of renovations. It takes long hours of research, consulting with your real estate agent and planning your strategy before you should even think about picking up a hammer.

Hey Moguls, Chris Urso here again, and today I want to talk about planning strategic renovations for your properties. To do that, I’m going to give you an example of a capital budget that my team has put together for a property we’ve owned for awhile now.

Every 6 months, we like to re-forecast our capital budget so we can determine what improvements or upgrades we’d like to make. Properties are fluid, markets…

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