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Investing Strategies

Need A Good Contractor? Follow THIS Advice... Part 1

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contractorHey Moguls, Steve Cook here…

Let’s talk about contractors, shall we? ‘Cause we all know that there are good ones and then there are not so good ones…

A good contractor will do quality work and complete a job according to schedule at a reasonable price. They will show up on time and finish the job rather than leaving it 90% done.

Keep in mind, however, that just because a contractor is good at one thing, doesn’t mean he is good at all things. In fact, be wary of those contractors who say they can “do it all.” Some can, but many cannot. Some contractors prefer to do just one thing since that is what they do best. In any case, I highly recommend that you check referrals of contractors. You’ll likely be sorry if you don’t. 

Building a list of reliable contractors is essential.

In addition to performing work for you, they can help you determine your repair costs, and you can refer them to other investors.…

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