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Investing Strategies

My FAVORITE Way to Snag the Best Properties from Tax Sales

Hey Moguls, Corey Taylor here… back with ya again for my second Mogul lesson! Yep, I’m still a newbie Faculty Advisor, but I’ve got tons of expertise in the niche of all things taxes.

And, in case you missed my first lesson, which was packed with loads of helpful tax deed and lien info, make sure you check it out. And, while you’re at it, look into my awesome training call, too.

But let’s dive in for today’s lesson…

We all have a favorite thing right?

A favorite food… favorite car… favorite football team… favorite TV show, even a favorite hobby.   

It’s no different on the investing side; we end up with favorites. It’s a tactic or a strategy that seems to come through reliably every time and give us that accomplishment or sense of satisfaction that makes it become a…

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