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REI Tech

Making Craigslist More Mobile-Friendly

craigslistAll the cool kids in real estate investing are familiar with Craigslist. The Craigslist website has revolutionized how we invest in real estate. This one site can help us find:

  • Motivated sellers
  • Potential additions to our buyer’s list
  • Rental tenants
  • Handymen and contractors
  • Parts for our buildings (appliances, surplus construction material, etc.)
  • Buyers for items found in rehab projects

If you want to buy or sell something in your local area, Craigslist is the place for you. It is also the place for millions of other people. Including lots of other real estate investors…

There’s a lot of competition for hot deals on Craigslist.

You have to know about the deal right away when it pops up, so you can move on it quickly. It is difficult to steal in slow motion.

Craigslist has a way to alert

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