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REI Tech

Direct Mail Made Easy

batmanMany real estate investors will agree…. One of the best marketing techniques for finding deals is direct mail. A steady campaign of communications through the mail can bring in outstanding results. Especially if you stick with it.

But, direct mail is challenging. It can also be expensive. To do a direct mail campaign correctly, you have to:

  • Create a list of likely prospects
  • Write multiple sales letters or postcards
  • Potentially have a website with content that your postcards advertise
  • Stuff envelopes (letters) and add stamps to the letters/postcards
  • Take them down to the post office
  • Repeat over and over again for a steady stream of leads

With the costs and the logistics of direct mail, many people drop out after sending one or two mailings. Most of the success, though, comes after the 5th, 6th or 7th mailing. Or even more.

You have to stay in your prospects head because you…

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