When was the last time you tried to be creative? Like in an artsy way?
You might be thinking, “Heck, I don’t have a creative bone in my body. And really, what does that have to do with my career as a real estate investor, anyway?”
Well, Cody Sperber here to tell you: A little creativity can go a long way when it comes to shaping your mindset. And if you want to be a financially successful investor, you have to think like rich people do.
The good news is... I’m going to tell you how to do it.
Let’s face it: pretty much everyone would like to have the financial freedom not to worry about where your next paycheck is coming from or how you’re going to pay your bills. But, for each of us, the deep down reason for wanting to achieve the goal for financial freedom is just a little bit different.
And, once you understand your big fat reason why you want to be financially successful, it’s then critical to take steps toward achieving that goal. In fact, in a previous lesson, I talked about this very topic. If you missed that one, go check it out – because it’s jammed-packed with insightful info.
So – to be financially successful, you need to think rich.
No really, you need to focus your mindset on thinking in the same way wealthy people do. How can you accomplish this? Well, you can start with the 3 exercises I’m going to share with you today. Because – now don’t roll your eyes at me – if you believe it, you can achieve it.
That sounds cliche, I know, but it’s 100% true. Now let’s get you started on the path to “rich” thinking, so you can build your real estate investing skills and obtain the financial security you desire.
1st: Create a Vision Board (Yep, totally serious)
Stay with me, people. I know a “vision board” sounds like a project a middle-schooler would create, but it’s actually super beneficial.
First, let me explain how to make it...
Flip through magazines and cut out photos (or find pictures online and print them) of things that evoke happiness for you. So maybe it’s a photo of the beach, or dogs playing in a backyard or a happy family on a vacation. Heck, you can even use photos of your actual family members.
Avoid using photos of material things – such as large houses, fancy cars, etc. While it’s perfectly fine to dream about owning those things one day, the main focus of your vision board is to evoke a feeling, rather than to make you think about a specific “thing.”
Also, cut out words that you believe symbolize your future, such as “success,” “happiness,” “stability” and so forth.
Add all of these to a large poster board, and mount the board in a place where you can look at it every day. Every time you feel discouraged, uncertain or overwhelmed by your work, glance at your vision board and remember what it is you’re trying to achieve.
“Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.”
~Oprah Winfrey
2nd: Write Daily Affirmations
Each day, jot down and recite a (personal) daily affirmation to yourself. If you’re about to click off of this post – wait! – I assure you that, even though this sounds strange, it actually works very well.
Your affirmation should be only 3-4 sentences. Don’t put pressure on yourself to write a novel. This is a simple exercise that should only take a few minutes out of your day.
Once you’ve written your affirmation, keep it with you and recite it to yourself throughout the day. It’s amazing the impact this can have on your mentality and your will to keep doing your best.
If you want to get super creative, ask family members or close friends who know you well to write down an affirmation about you. Throughout your day, read this as well – to remind yourself that others are supportive of your success too.
“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”
~Muhammad Ali
3rd: Write Your Own Eulogy (Say WHAT?!)
Okay, you really think I’m nuts now. But, hear me out. This was a third exercise that my mentor told me to complete. And I thought he was nuts.
But, the more I thought about it, the more it made sense to me. Even though it was strange to think about my own funeral, it made me realize the things that I really want to be remembered for... and it made me think about the things that seem important now, but really aren’t meaningful in the end.
My mentor told me to ask myself these types of questions:
How do you want others to describe you?
What kind of person do you want to become, in the later years of your life?
What personality traits do you want to have embodied throughout your life?
Don’t feel awkward writing positive things about yourself – be honest and thoughtful.
For me, this exercise was a huge eye-opener, because I realized that I wanted to impact others in a positive way – and I knew that this wasn’t going to happen on accident. I needed to be intentional. From that day on, I decided that my lifestyle plan needed just as much attention and effort as my business plan.
“The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.”
~Kalu Kalu
Now: Get Your Mind on Track!
All of these exercises are creative ways to change your mindset. When you think positively, you will achieve amazing things. In order to be rich, you first need to think rich – even if it seems a little strange at first.
So, are you ready to get started?
Don’t wait. Use these exercises to get yourself on the path to wealth today.
How Do You Think Rich?
What other innovative ideas do you have for “thinking rich?” Sound off in the comments section below.
Craft Your Collage. If you’re struggling to find time (aren’t we all?) for this exercise, set aside just 5 minutes every day for a week. During that time, find or print photos and words for your vision board. By the end of the week, your board will be complete!
Dust Off the Notecards. Write your daily affirmation on a notecard, so you can easily carry it with you throughout the day and reference it when needed. Post-It notes work too! You can slap them on your mirror, the edge of your computer monitor or even on your car radio.
Get in the Zone. Writing your own eulogy is an eye-opening and thoughtful experience. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted while you compose it. Turn off your phone and the TV, find a quiet corner of your house, grab something to drink, and settle in to a comfy chair – anything you can do to rid yourself of distractions and to focus on the task at hand.