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Business Development

This Is a Ninja Mentor

ninja catsEver wonder how to find your personal Yoda, that mentor who will put you on the right track to success?

We’ve all heard that it’s not what you know, but who you know that will make you successful. And mentors are part of that group of people who will help you and your business succeed.

Hey Moguls, Cody Sperber here, but I’ve got to tell you that not all mentors are equal, so while you search for a mentor you need to look for someone with specific qualities. And you also need to consider what you bring to the table in a mentor-mentee relationship.

Look for Someone with Experience

When you start looking for a good mentor, be sure that person has had considerable experience in real estate investing. (This should be easily verifiable.)

You want someone who invests in real estate currently—not just years ago.

Why is this important?

Because you need someone who deals in and is knowledgeable about, today’s

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