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REI Tech

One Sweet Property Evaluator App

candyYou’re a progressive investor. Always thinking. Always one step ahead.

Come on…  Don’t be so modest. You know you are. (I’m saying this with a nudge, wink, and a smile.)

And being the progressive investor that you are means being armed (figuratively speaking, or course) with the next best thing – that “must-have” tool which will help you stay ahead in the real estate investment game.

Well, are you ready to meet your newest weapon?

The Sweetest Weapon in Your Arsenal

Say “hello” to the Property Evaluator app – one sweet smartphone app that offers you a better way to analyze your investment properties.

“Better how?” you ask.

The Property Evaluator app for MaciPad and iPhone can generate helpful financial projections for your pipeline of deals – such as (i) return on investment,…

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