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REI Tech

How to Read, Edit, Create and Fill PDF Forms Like a Boss

paperlessIf you could save some trees and improve the functionality of your business, wouldn’t you do it? It’s kind of a no brainer.

Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, and real estate investors like you are all “going paperless”, because it saves time, money, and the environment… And most importantly for your real estate business, it can help you stay organized while minimizing the endless paper trail that seems to follow each of your investments. 

Here at Real Estate Mogul, we’re big fans of paperless processes, and we recently shared with you 1 Easy Way to Go Paperless by digitizing the signatures associated with all your contracts. But we know that there are plenty of other ways for your business to go paperless, and we’re all about providing you with as many resources as possible. So today we highlight a cool (and free) resource that can help you overcome one of the most stubborn barriers to paperless bliss – the notoriously inflexible…

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