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REI Tech

Fivestreet: The Fixer of Conversion Problems

There’s a reason why many real estate investors never hesitate to take a call.

Either they take it or they have a system or a VA to answer calls.

If you’ve been in the industry for any amount of time, you know that phone calls and real estate investors go together; it’s the nature of the industry. You have to treat every call as the next deal or at least the next lead.

For obvious reasons, generating leads is the backbone of real estate. But it’s what you do with those leads that will keep your business going.

In 2011, there were:

  • 4.5 million leads generated in the United States, while 4.8 million became annual home sales

Just 4 years later in 2015:

  • the leads generated increased significantly to 66.9 million
  • from those leads, only 5.2 million homes sold

With the real estate industry becoming more popular, there is gigantic competition for leads. If your team isn’t the first to respond, chances are,…

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