Hey Moguls, Preston Ely here again to finish up this awesome lesson about Living Large…
I laid out my first 5 Laws to Living Large and asked you guys to take a hard look at who you are as a person and figure out how you can grow. Before we go over the next 5, let’s quickly recap why we are talking about this stuff anyway…
I've been saying it for years…
My message to everybody is: Real estate is great. It's wonderful. You need to learn about real estate, but if that’s all you're doing, you're losing. You're not going to beat the game. You may do a deal here and there, but if you suck internally you will fail.
Your job is to grow as a person. Your main job every day should be focused toward growing. I wake up every day not thinking about real estate. I wake every day not thinking about internet marketing…
I wake up every day thinking about how I can grow. It's the foundation of my life, whether spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, whatever…
The core of it is: How can I grow as a person? When you tap into that, then you will be successful in life.
My eyes are open. I pay attention to this stuff. I'm watching who's doing what, and most people are doing nothing. Just recognizing that you need to think about this is good, but…
Law # 6: Your work has to be effective.
Steven Colby wrote the Seven Laws of Highly Effective People. We may be very busy. We may be very efficient, but we will also be truly effective only when we begin with the end in mind. You go and you work for eight hours, make some offers, blah, blah, blah, good for you…
How much money came in that day? Nothing? Then you didn’t do your job. You're wasting your time. When I first got started in real estate, it was “Operation get Money Now.” I don't care about the $2000 nonrefundable deposits. They're nonrefundable. Give me a $2000 deposit and I'm going to buy Gucci shoes that day.
Those deposits by the way, those are huge, and you can just keep those coming in constantly. You’ve got to get the money in. If you're not bringing money in, you're just not doing anything.
Nine times out of 10, most people are just going through the motions with their work. They're tricking themselves into thinking they're working hard. They're putting their time in, but nothing is happening, and not only is nothing happening, they're not doing anything to fix it.
If money's not coming in, you're losing. You lost. Granted, it's not all about money – unless you don't have any, of course. Get money. Everybody write that down. Get money. Say it out loud.
Here's how you can be effective. When you're looking at your to-do list, your first task should be doing do whatever brings in the most money. When you're trying to figure out what you should do today… it’s whatever brings in the money.
No multitasking. I'm not going to talk about how you’ve got to be focused. Most people are all over the place...
You need to do your to-do list at night before you go to bed. Your subconscious will figure out how to get it all done in your sleep.
Don't do more than six things. You probably won't be able to get them done. If you don't get them done, it's a negative message to your subconscious that basically tells yourself you suck. Avoid that.
Law #7: A sense of urgency.
When I start a new venture, anything new, it's got to get done right now. It's never – let's get it done next week. It's never – let's meet next week. It’s now. People call me all the time saying, “Preston, I have this great idea for a new business. You're going to love it. Let's talk about it. Let's meet up next Tuesday.”
No, let’s meet up right now. Let's do it now. If it doesn’t happen now, it's not happening. Everything has got to be done now. You’ve got to be passionate about this stuff. I wish I could really just give you a glimpse of what my day is like when I'm doing these things...
It’s all about speed of implementation.
Law #8: Integrity
Don't do business with liars. The other day, I flew across the country to record some tracks. (I'm making music now too, by the way.) The music studio dude charged $25,000 a track, but when I got there, he raised the price to $27,000. So I thought to myself, well, he does have number one hits all over the radio… and it's not that I can't afford it… but I don't do business with people who don't keep their word, so I told him I was going with somebody else. He couldn’t believe it.
I don't do business with liars. Lying is nothing more than saying you'll do something and not doing it. I test people all the time to figure out who they really are. Most people do not hold integrity very highly. They say they do, but when it comes down to the daily, “I'll be there at 2:00 pm, not there at 2:05 pm,” it’s often just not true. I'm there at 1:55 pm.
I do what I say I'm going to do no matter what it costs me.
Law #9: Boldness
Boldness, aka risk-taking. I recently read something interesting that fits perfectly into Law #9:
“Concerning all activities of initiative and creation, there's one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans. At the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves in too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would not otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision raising in one's favor, all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material systems, which no man would have dreamed would come his way.”
I've learned to have deep respect for boldness. Whatever you can do or dream – you can begin it. Begin it now (#7).
Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it. As my favorite quote, which is on my Facebook page, says: “Screw it, let's do it.” No fear.
Law #10: Energy
Energy is everything. Do it now. “Bam,” make it happen. The key is not to manage time. You'll notice I actually don’t put much into time management. It's about managing your energy.
Here’s the deal… redefine what living large is all about and you too will be successful.
Holla at us
Have you been able to use any of these thoughts in your life? Have they helped? We wanna hear about it in the comments section below.
Ask yourself – How can I grow? Mentally, emotionally, spiritually…
Operate effectively and efficiently.
Get ‘er done – now. Right now.
Do what you say – have integrity and don’t do business with people who don’t.
Take risks – be bold.
Manage your energy .
Preston Ely
is a real estate investor, serial entrepreneur, life coach, musician and philanthropist. CEO of Real Freedom, Inc, one of the most influential internet-based information publishers in the world, owns the largest Anytime Fitness Gym in the United States, is recording a music album with Atlantic Records, sits on the board of Advocates Of Love Orphanage, and has a non-profit charity assisting the poor and oppressed in Cuba with both their physical and spiritual needs.
With over 200,000 subscribers to his email newsletter, he is rapidly fulfilling his mission on earth, which is to glorify God by setting people physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually free through his music and his message of FREEDOM. Preston is 37 years old, lives in Tampa, FL with his wife Ashley, where he spends most of his time reading, writing, and practicing mixed martial arts.