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Investing Strategies

Mobile Home Investing: Why You’re Missing the Boat

Sound the alarm – we have a twofer today!

Not only do we have another new, awesome Faculty Advisor… but we also have a new topic to discuss and this new guy just happens to be an expert in that field.

We are going to delve into a subset of REI that’s not often covered, but should be. And we’ve brought in Mr. Sean Brooks to talk about investing in – mobile homes the quiet gold mine of REI.

A lot of people make the mistake of misunderstanding the mobile home opportunities, so we’ve asked Sean, who has had great success in the mobile home arena to come in and make the case for mobile homes and hopefully open your eyes to the incredibly rich opportunities that exist.

seanBased in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Sean jumped into investing right after college at the spry age…

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